"Well Hello Again!
I love that saying from my favorite book as a child "Go, Dog. Go!" As a teenager I read that to my little sister and loved it still. As an adult I read it to my children and appreciated it more. It appears strange to others but to me - it is a great example of american literature at it's best for children; simple concepts, repetition, and an engaging story for adults."
This book spun an afternoon obsession |
So I start to ponder this...
Why did I type those words? Why did I start my email that way? Why did I feel the need to then explain the thoughts that were running in my head? Why did this little sentence send me back to my childhood and make me think about a children's book? Who really knows?
Deeply I begin to wonder, what does it make me think about? Is it the book or something more?
Well Hello Again - what do you think of? Anything? What does that make other people think about?
We might say these words when we meet someone we have not seen in a long time, or meeting a person that we just saw moments ago. It might be an idea of going back to an object - "Well hello again, you brownies you". So by now I'm onto food... This email was to a person that I had talked to earlier in the day and oddly enough I talked to her about food, and GFCF, and sensitivities / allergies that we have in our body. See a trend here?
I really think that everything happens for a reason and the accidental email and meeting that I had with this woman today may lead to a real nice friendship and working relationship. I digress... Like always :)
So - Well Hello Again - has brought me to think about our diet trend and trying even harder to work at eliminating more items from our diet. I want to make a real effort to organize this weekend. To sit down with Dad and work out a schedule that we both can share. Plan the meals and do some prep work for those nights that will be ever so hard to get a dinner made and served in 45 minutes. I want to work harder be think more
Well Hello Again - Conscious eating! Here we are ready to see you, hear you, and be with you!
Well Hello Again - Conscious eating! Here we are ready to see you, hear you, and be with you!