Originally written 12-10-09
I am not totally recovered but hopefully soon! At the beginning of November we had one sick child, then another, and they got better pretty quickly. Then Mom got sick the second week of November. I look back and am not sure whether I had H1N1 (as per the diagnosis) or if it was just pneumonia. Either way I was sicker than I think I have ever been. I was unable to do almost anything, and for two of the days literally I did nothing but sit and stare at the TV or wall. I had a terrible cough & chest pain, fever, mildly sore throat, bad aches all over,blue hands and feet, and lethargy (among others).
So what happens to the house when mom gets sick? Hopefully dad picks up the slack. He did in this case; he made sure that the kids were at school, did grocery shopping, feed everyone, and put the children to bed close to bed time.
What about when mom is the one preparing these special meals? Well these meals don’t get made. No offense to the great Dad’s (like ours) that pick up the slack and help out… but man will they ever notice how much we mom’s do?
In this case Dad was getting the groceries and making dinners, which led to the end of our special diet. He decided to get some of the old comfort easy to find foods like: milk, white bread, regular peanut butter, chips, and treats like the Little Debbie’s. UGH!!! Some nights he just wanted to feed us so he picked-up some fast food on the way home. UGH UGH!!!!!!!
Needless to say we are basically almost totally of the diet.
Update: Mom is feeling better although still suffering from Bronchitis. After something like five doctor visits and three runs of antibiotics, with a nebulizer, and inhaler, I may be getting rid of the cough and chest congestion soon. Dad has been better at buying things that are not laden with preservatives and artificial stuff. He does hate to pay for and hunt for the better foods. When it comes to his treats he still gets them and we can’t, or I can’t, keep them away from the kids or him. Boys will be boys.